the Villa
After passing through a building that houses the reception and administration offices, access is via a path through a walled garden, which also serves as a true open-air gallery. This beautiful residence dating from the early 19th century, now called Villa Pérochon, Contemporary Photographic Art Centre is currently undergoing extensive renovation in order to develop the art centre’s activities. The art centre includes a technical resource centre, comprising a digital workshop and black-and-white film laboratory, a large collection of frames, a laminating unit, modular exhibition partitions, a nomadic gallery dedicated to public spaces, and a library of around 500 books.

The Villa Pérochon garden - © Didier Goudal.
The art centre has been built on the reputation of the association Pour l’Instant and the success of the Rencontres de la jeune photographie internationale with its creative residency. More than just a workshop or master-class, this unique residency provides artists with a true carte blanche to create and experiment, exchange with others and pursue artistic research.
Recognition among professional artistic circles, amateurs and contemporary art networks, in addition to the warm reception extended to all participants, is due to the spirit and key values that have always reigned throughout this event organised by the association Pour l’Instant: freedom, sharing, respect and discovery.
Today, more than ever, these values must be promoted for the emergence of the young art scene.
Throughout the year, the presence of artists, with a predominance of emerging artists, and the exhibition of their works, often previously unseen, along with cultural activities, training of artists, education in the image for all kinds of people, the involvement of the general public and economic and institutional bodies, all contribute to an ecosystem facilitating the exchanges necessary for reflection, experimentation and creation.
The most important underlying aspect in the notion of an emerging artist is not related to age but rather to the artistic approach, its relevance, its style, how it questions the photographic act, not only in its concept, but also in its form, technique and usage, including the attitude of the viewer, the latter being understood as one who may equally well be a reader, visitor, listener, spectator, or other form of audience.
the team
Administrative Board
Executive Board:
Olivier Nappey, President
Émilie Gautier, vice-President
Xavier Ribot, Secretary
Marie-Aude Daban, Assistant Secretary
Marie-France Pougnard, Treasurer
Émmanuelle Brisson
Joël Girardin
Didier Goudal
Laurent Imhof
Philippe Le Besconte
Yves Ménétrier
Jean-Charles Oudinet
Anne Rhodes
Isabelle Verdeau
Nicole Vitré-Méchain
Honorary President
Sylviane Van de Moortele
Employed Staff
Patrick Delat, Director
Virginie Odiard, Artothèque development manager
Jean-Luc Fouet, Exhibition Assistant and Public Contact
Rachel Soullard, Receptionaist and Administrative Assistant
Close Support Team
Graphic Artist and Digital Print Specialist: Charlie Jouvet
Digital Print Specialist and Mounting: Philippe Le Besconte
Black-and-white Development and Print Specialist: Tao Douay
Translator and Interpreter: Paul Muse
Exhibition Assistant: Thierry Mathé
And… all the volunteers generously supporting us:
All the administrators and Heriman Avy, Mireille Bacle, Jean-François Barré, Stéphane Bergé, Dominique Chatenet, Marine Combes, Isabelle Demain, Catherine Guetat, Jean-Luc Giraud, Frédérique Griffon, Michèle Guitton, Michel Labrid, Cédric Suire, Jacques Tapin, Anne Tapin, Anne Vivier...
Villa Pérochon is bound by an agreement with the French Ministry of Culture - DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine, la Ville de Niort and the Conseil régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It also receives support from the Conseil départemental des Deux-Sèvres.
Actions are carried out in association with numerous partners.
Educational and social partners:
DSDEN, Directorate of Departmental Services of National Education
DAAC, Academic Delegation for Cultural Action
CANOPE, Network for Creation and Pedagogical Accompaniment
Niort University Center
ARS, Regional Health Agency
SPIP 79, Penitentiary, Rehabilitation and Probation Service of Deux-Sèvres
ACS Town Centre Sociocultural Centre
Hospital of Niort
Cultural Partners:
The Camji contemporary music centre, Le Moulin du Roc-Scène nationale theatre, le Carré Amelot and the Centre Intermondes of La Rochelle, la Fondation des Treilles, Résidence 1+2 in Toulouse.
Private Partners:
Inter Mutuelles Assistance, Territoria Mutuelle, Librairie L’ombre du vent, l’Atelier du cadre, Office de tourisme Niort-Marais Poitevin, Imprimerie Nouvelle, Avis Location de véhicules, Le Chai Saint-Hilaire.
Media Partners:
Catherine Philippot-RELATIONS-MEDIA
La Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest
Vivre à Niort
J'adore Niort
La Villa Pérochon is one of the founding members of the national network Diagonal, including around twenty photographic structures in France. It is also a member of the Astre network of visual arts in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.