
In the course of every year, three to five exhibitions are presented, whether monographic, thematic, collective, presenting the results of residences or other. We present contemporary photography in all its diversity with a strong emphasis on emerging approaches and creation. Over 260 m2 and a potential of 130 linear metres, there is a succession of presentations using the particularity of the site on two levels. The 1,400 m2 garden through which the public accesses Villa Pérochon is very often used as an open-air gallery, thus offering a unique approach to exhibitions in a rustic setting in the heart of the town.

Denis Dailleux exhibition in 2013 at Villa Pérochon - © Alexandre Giraud.

the artistic advisor of encounters of young international photography

From March to May: Exhibition of works by the artistic advisor of the Encounters of Young International Photography residency. This exhibition is the culmination of the rich programme of this event, which offers a photographic tour presenting more than fifteen international artists in ten historic places in the heart of Niort or sites chosen in line with the artistic approach.

summer at the villa

From June to September: Summer at the Villa hosts a national and even international exhibition. On this occasion, picnics, snacks and other photographic aperitifs are shared among a broad public, completing the programme of guided tours.

autumn / winter

From October to the end of February: Depending on the projects in progress: creative residencies, territorial projects, collaborations with partners, co-productions, workshop outings, along with one or two exhibitions are scheduled. The exhibition duration is a minimum of two months.

extramural exhibitions

The Villa Pérochon exhibition programme goes beyond the walls of the Villa, particularly during the Encounters of Young International Photography. Throughout this annual event several places in the heart of Niort serve to provide a rich route of exhibitions dedicated to emerging photographic approaches. These include heritage sites such as the Pillory, the Espace Grappelli, Port Boinot, as well as more original places such as outstanding private homes, shops, bookstores and the central public square, in which the nomadic gallery is set up. Outside of this yearly high point, as specific projects unfold, and in line with the topics being addresses, we schedule other exhibitions within the town.

The exhibition 11% in La Rochelle - © Didier Goudal.

In addition, Villa Pérochon is often called upon to support community projects such as, for example, with the municipality of Bellevigne en Layon, which has just launched the biennialVendanges Photographiques. On this occasion, curatorship of the exhibition as well as technical support is provided by Villa Pérochon. Other extramural activities include exhibitions in association with partners such as:
• with members of the Diagonal, Carré Amelot in La Rochelle, the center Image/Imatge in Orthez, l’Imagerie in Lannion, etc.
• with regional bodies, such as the community of Haut Val de Sèvres, Fontenay-le-Comte Museum, etc.
• and with Résidence 1+2 in Toulouse, the Fondation des Treilles, and others.
We are always on the lookout for possible partners to work with on projects promoting contemporary photography.

Vendanges photographiques in Bellevigne-en-Layon - © Didier Goudal.

All the exhibitions

Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2024
Sumi Anjuman - River runs violet :

Cristóbal Ascencio - Future archeology :

Violaine Carrère - God save the cream :

Marine Combes - Le manifeste rouge :

Alisa Martynova - Anima :

Alice Pallot - Algues maudites, toxicity of landscape matter :

Thomas Pendeliau - La cinquième saison :

Tao Douay et Adrien Pontet - Exîle :

• Alain Willaume – Frôlements de l'ombre
  Watch Question d'images n°8 with Alain Willaume :

• Magali Lambert – Les vies secrètes de l'ordinaire
  Watch Question d’images n°7 with Magali Lambert :

• Joan Fontcuberta - Monstres
  Watch Question d’images n°6 with Joan Fontcuberta :

Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2023
• Soham Gupta - Wait until dark
• David Fathi - Les morts gouvernent les vivants
• Rachele Maistrello - Blue Diamond
• Invitation to the Athens Photo festival, guest curator
  Manolis Moresopoulos - Rites of passage
• Sylvie Bussières - Mauvaises Herbes

• Émilie Delugeau – Zuhause/Cabaret
  Watch Question d’images n°5 to learn more about
  this exhibition (in French) :

Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2021 and 2022 :
  Watch Question d’images n°4 with François Cheval
  and the residents :

• Frédéric Stucin – Les interstices
  Watch Question d’images n°3 to learn more about
  this exhibition (in French) :

• Collectif Les Associés - D'ici ça ne parait pas si loin
• Brigitte Grignet - Les jours qui restent
• Karine Portal - L'ile de Reil
• Miss V et Sandrine Rodrigues, commissariat Nicole
  Vitré-Méchain - Le temps d'une lueur, la lumière à l'oeuvre

• Emanuela Meloni – Sèvre/Mer
Que reste-t-il ? - Curated by Patrick Delat
A group show with Claire Dorn, Myriem Karim, Raphaëlle Peria
and Clarisse Rebotier.
You can know more about these artists by watching
Question d’images n°2. A serie of four talks led by the journalist
Brigitte Patient (in French) :

Selfies Égo / Égaux - Curated by Olivier Culmann
  and Jeanne Viguié [see the file - in French] and watch here the video
  where Olivier Culmann talks about the show (in French) :

• JH Engström - Anknytningar / Correspondances / Correspondences
  [see the file - in French]

• Celebration of the 25th anniversary [see the programme]
• Dolorès Marat - Cascades
• Collection of the CNAP - Le corps est la pesanteur
• Collection of Bernard Lajot - Chambre d'écoute

• Corinne Mercadier - Satellites
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2018
• Françoise Beauguion - Exils
• Emmanuelle Brisson - Les profondeurs du cœur
• Maitetxu Etcheverria - Voyages insulaires
• Filigranes Editions - Les anciens résidents
• Paul Muse - Walking the dog
• Emanuela Meloni - Station niortaise-Prémices
• Margherita Muriti - God, how shall I pray?
• Anne Leroy - Je ne suis pas mort. La famille va bien.
• Question(s) d'image(s) - Group exhibition - Saison 2

• Isabel Muñoz
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2017
Jeunes-Générations - National commissioned
    project on youth in France
• Israël Ariño - La pesanteur du lieu
• Karin Crona - The Girl from number 13 - Freudian Flip
  - Vertigo Fall - Every Mystery has an Answer

• Bas Losekoot - In Company of Strangers, New York,
  São Paulo, Séoul, Mumbaï, Hong Kong, Londres, Lagos

• Coralie Salaün - Les enfants fichus
  - La fête des songes - Gueules d'amour

• Alexandra Serrano - Nesting in the wolf tree
• Fyodor Telkov - 36 views
• Maud Faivre - Les villes invisibles - Boinot en vue(s)#1
  - Boinot en vue(s)#2

• Presentation of donated works from the collection of l’Œil écoute

• Olivier Culmann - The Others - Atlantique
  - Autour, New York 2001-2002 - Watching TV

Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2016
• Jean-Michel Monin - Face à faces
• Anaïs Boudot - Fêlures
• Joseph Gallix - El
• Julien Lombardi - Dérive 2010 - Processing Landscape 2012-2014
• Selvaprakash Lakshmanan - Vanishing tribes
• Wiktoria Wojciechowska - Short Flashes - Sparks
• Lisa Wiltse - Bolivian Mennonites - Charcoal Kids
• Le temps de voir, Claude Pauquet associate artist
  - Questions de territoires
• Claude Pauquet - Crossing Madrid - Jeunes Brahmanes - Faketice
  - 35 ans d'ancienneté (collection FRAC Poitou-Charente)
  - Private/18-35 - Family

• Group exhibition - Diagonal

• Klavdij Sluban - Entre parenthèses - Transsibériades
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2015
• Mélania Avanzato - Fragment / impressions du monde sensible
• Sabine Delcour - Paysages habités
• Charlie Jouvet - Dire après Phnom Penh
• Virginie Plauchut - Sans preuve et sans cadavre
• Marlous Van der Sloot - Le corp vécu
Le temps de voir - 15 years of action on education
  in the image carried out by the association Pour l'Instant in schools.
• Vincent Rosenblatt - Rio Baile Funk - rap of the favelas 2005-2015
  - Bate-Bola - Les lolitas (1998) - Wesh la brèche (2015)

• Alexandra Pouzet - La Carte du tendre
• Question(s) d'image(s) - Group exhibition - Saison 1

• Françoise Huguier - Vertical/Horizontal,
  Intérieur/Extérieur, Singapour - Kuala Lumpur - Bangkok,
  "Middle classes" en Asie du Sud-Est et Kpop.

Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2014
• Diane Arques -La ville bleue - Play again
• Alexandra Pouzet - Nature humaine
• Élodie Guignard - Les Magnifiques
• Carol Müller - Lectrices • François Méchain - Lieux d'être(s)
• Michel Paradinas - La mue des murs
• Nadège Abadie - Les passagers
Territoires d'expériences - Nadège Abadie - Israël Ariño,
  Muriel Bordier, Delphine Dauphy, Marc Loyon, Cédric Martigny, Pascal Mirande
De nos aïeux à la Grande Guerre, des objets pour mémoire
  - By pupils from the Léo Desaivre middle school in Champdeniers

• Denis Dailleux - Du Nil dans mes veines
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2013
• Florence Brochoire et Camille Perreau -12 femmes ouvrent hier
• Patrick Delat, Jean Luc Fouet and Marcel Kanche - My space
Des photographes et un territoire : la Haute-Normandie - works from
  the photographic collection of Pôle Image in Haute-Normandie
• Emmanuelle Brisson - Double-je

Exhibitions of the association Pour l’Instant

Corsica - a selection from the collection of the Mediterranean
  Centre of Photography – Curated by Patrick Delat
• Annabelle Muñoz - Le Mana

• Laurent Millet
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2011
Brittany in the photographic collection of l’ Imagerie in Lannion
  - Curated by Patrick Delat
• Alexandre Giraud
• Anne Leroy - Moynaq
• Claire Béguier - De la cuisine à l'image

• Christian Caujolle
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2010
Les arpenteurs - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant
Arboretum - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant
• Philippe Guionie - Le tirailleur, traces de mémoire
• Hawa Keita - L'arbre dans la vie
• Sandrine Marc

• Arno-Rafaël Minkkinen
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2009
• Philippe Guionie - Le tirailleur et les trois fleuves
• Émilie Delugeau - Sur le corps mort de l'amour
Avoir 15 ans à Niort

• Exhibition of the 15th anniversary
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2008
Étape Photographique - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant
Vues d'ailleurs - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant

• Philip Blenkinsop
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2007
• Charlie Jouvet - Les Affluents
• Hicham Benohoud - La Classe - Azemmour - Curated by Patrick Delat
• Jean-Luc Fouet and Patrick Delat - Montre-moi
• Diane Ducruet
• Svetlana Khatchatourova

• Bogdan Konopka
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2006
• François Méchain, Laurent Millet, Pascal Mirande
  - Intervention - Curated by Patrick Delat

• Charles Harbutt
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2005
• Michel Séméniako - Éxil
• Brigitte Grignet
• Georges Queuille

• Joan Fontcuberta
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2004
Vues du Bus
• Tzu Chen Chen

• Bernard Descamps
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2003
Quanta - Curated by Patrick Delat
• Miriam Ruisseau - Israël Ariño
• Arno Fabre
• Jean-Luc Chapin
• Thierry Girard

• Max Pam
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2002
Minéral, végétal - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant
• Aleph
• Luc Arasse

• Jane-Evelyn Atwood
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2001
• Sandrine Expilly
• Jean-Louis Deborde
• CPIE : La pêche était-elle bonne ?

• Tom Drahos
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 2000
Faire le point - Extract from the photographic archives of Pour l'Instant

• Françoise Huguier
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1999
• Gwenola Furic
• Jean-Luc Fouet
• Idalina Pedrosa

• Hugues de Wurstemberger
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1998
• Vincent Clémot
• Patrizia Di Fiore
• Jean-Louis Neveu

• Cristina Garcia Rodero
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1997

• François Méchain
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1996
• Michel Séméniako - Images négociées, projet réseaux

• Gilbert Fastenaekens
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1995

• Luc Choquer
Exhibition of the artists in residency in 1994

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